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 Terms and Conditions


Access to and use of this website are subject to the following conditions. Please do not use this website unless you agree with these conditions. This website has been developed by AMITY Thermosets (P) Limited and is administrated by the same. We reserve the right to discontinue or to make partial or complete modifications to this website or to the General Conditions of Use. Please note that we may make such changes at our own discretion and without prior announcement. We must therefore ask you, next time you visit this website, to view the conditions again and to note any changes or amendments that may have been made.

Surrender of use and benefit

All details, documents and illustrations published on this website are the sole property of AMITY. Any permission to use the same is granted on the provison, that such details are only used for personal purposes, that they are not exploited commercially, that the details are not modified in any way and that all illustrations gained from the website are only used in conjunction with the accompanying text.

Trademarks and Copyright

All trademarks on this website are the property of the Amity Thermosets (P) Limited, unless otherwise noted or in any other way perceivable as third party rights. Any unauthorized use of these trademarks or other Compound is expressly prohibited and constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark law or other industrial property rights.

Limited liability

AMITY has compiled the detailed information provided on this website from internal and external sources to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. We endeavour to expand and update this range of information on an ongoing basis. The information on this website is purely for the purpose of presenting AMITY and its products and services. However, no representation is made or warranty given, either expressly or tacitly, for the completeness or correctness of the information on this website. In particular, we must ask you to be aware that this information may no longer be up to date. We therefore recommend that you check any information you obtain from this website prior to using it in whatever form. Advice given on this website does not exempt you from conducting your own checks on our latest advice - particularly our safety datasheets and technical specifications - and on our products, with a view to their suitability for the intended processes and purposes. Should you require any advice or instructions concerning our products or services, please contact us directly. Users of this website declare that they agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. Neither AMITY nor third parties involved in the writing, production or transmission of this website can be held liable for damage or injury resulting from access or the impossibility of access or from the use or impossibility of use of this website or from the fact that you have relied on information given on this website.

Reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of information available in this website, but the Amity makes no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information. The Amity makes no representations and assumes no liability for any direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from our product & information available in this website. User of this website shall be solely responsible for any infringe patent rights, trade mark, copy right, existing legislation or violate any federal, state or local laws & regulations.

It is solely responsibility and liability of the buyer to furnish sufficient information to the seller regarding the hazardous/peculiar nature of the goods, observe licensing dangerous Drugs/controlled chemicals in particular, patent laws, Copy Right, Trademark in country of destination.

Seller shall not be responsible & liable for any quality, behavior or performance of the product Same shall can’t be consider for any claim against Amity. The buyer will conduct its own tests of Our product. Buyer & User of our product shall be solely responsible for any infringe patent rights, Trade Mark, Copy Right, and existing legislation or violate any Federal, State or local laws & regulations.

If any other kind of dispute or claim shall be subject to Mumbai Jurisdiction in INDIA only. All the information and content in this website is only for reference purpose.

Websites of third-party vendors/links

This website contains links/references to third-party websites. By providing such links, AMITY does not give its approval to their contents. Neither does AMITY accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form. Links to other websites are provided to website users merely for the sake of convenience. Users access such websites at their own risk.

Forward-Looking Statements

This internet site contains forward-looking statements. These statements use words like “believes,” “assumes,” “expects” or similar formulations. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance of our company and those either expressed or implied by these statements. These factors include, among other things:

  • Downturns in the business cycle of the industries in which we compete;
  • New regulations, or changes to existing regulations, that increase our operating costs or otherwise reduce our profitability;
  • Increases in the prices of our raw Compound, especially if we are unable to pass these costs along to customers;
  • Loss or reduction of patent protection for our products;
  • Liabilities, especially those incurred as a result of environmental laws or product liability litigation;
  • Fluctuation in international currency exchange rates as well as changes in the general economic climate; and
  • Other factors identified in this internet site.


Copyright 1998-2008 AMITY Thermosets (P) Limited. All rights reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on AMITY Internet sites are all subject to Copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted to other sites. Some AMITY Internet sites also contain images that are subject to the copyrights of their providers.

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, Please feel free to contact us:

AMITY Thermosets (P) Limited.
Web Master
E-mail: info@amityindia.com

Disclaimer Revised Date: July 2008